Friday, January 10, 2014

My Christmas story

I'd like to finally talk about my Christmas. It was definitely different than any other Christmas I have experienced. This was my first Christmas away from my family, and not only that it was in Hong Kong, in a hospital. We had hoped to be able to go to a friend's house, but ended up not being able to leave the hospital. I was mostly disappointed for Sophie. For the first time I was responsible for a child's Christmas. To add a little more pressure, I wasn't sure when she would ever again have the opportunity to have a true "Christmas" by American standards. I hadn't been able to leave the hospital to shop, so there wouldn't really be presents. There was no tree or decorations, and the hospital menu doesn't really offer a Christmas dinner. What was left? I had luckily had a simple ornament kit my mother had sent me, so little Sophie and I made it as a present for the friend we were supposed to have Christmas with. It was fun! Even if she got a little bored before we were done. She at least loved putting stickers all over the card and throwing away the trash when we were done. Actually she loved throwing everything thing away whether we were done with it or not :) Then Christmas came and we were told we weren't allowed to leave. I dressed her up in her prettiest dress and did her hair with her little reinder antler hair clips she loves so much. She had the full Christmas ensemble and was most definitely a fan. To be fair she would be content to wear dear antlers and dresses everyday, that is always her choice of hair accessory. After that I just decided to make the day as special and as simple as possible. I ordered her favorite foods, spaghetti and purple jello. We even had pudding as a special treat later on. Then for the rest of the day we spent it cuddling, watching Christmas movies on YouTube (there are quite a few), sending Christmas pictures with funny faces, and just being together. She learned all about Rudolf and Santa Claus and family Christmases even if she didn't have it personally. What was truly surprising was what a truly special and wonderful day it ended up being for me. I felt like this is what Christmas was truly what Christmas was about, being with those you love and caring for another. That night I told her the story of another little baby in a place far from home. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rita! Could you please email me at kevmandy @ Sophie will not have to spend but maybe one more no-family Christmas!
