Friday, December 6, 2013

Picture tour!

So I haven't written because there really wasn't anything new to write about other than the trials and joys of living in a hospital and being stand in mommy to a delightfully incorrigible two year old. She has won over everyone on our floor, makes new friends daily, and has me steadily avoiding the thought of ever letting her go. She has a delightful way of going up to strangers and assuming they have a secret longing to be her best friend and share all of their snacks with her. As it turns out, she is pretty much always correct in this assumption. She smiles, and everyone is instantly at her beck and call. She puts the powers of cuteness to a whole new level, but I can't complain, she always makes ME smile. Well that pretty much sums up all of that part of my life.

The other thing that has happened, is that I have finally had a day off and some adventures! I went sight seeing around Hong Kong (and didn't get lost almost all day! That might be the most exciting part. I'm very very good at getting lost). I won't go into too much detail. I wondered around with a sketch of a plan and spent all day outside, and a lot of it surrounded by green things and a perfect sort of day. It was sunny with a light breeze in the 60s and I was I heaven after living in the hospital with. O sunshine for so long. Besides, I missed my trees. I saw St. John's cathedral, the hong kong zoological and botanical gardens, took the tram up to "the peak" and walked down again, and finally wondered around tiredly down town before returning to put my baby girl to bed. Over all a fulfilling day. I will give you all a picture tour now to sum up all of it!

Picture from the public tram so you can see what an average hing kong street looks like

And of course a Mc Donald's in Hong Kong. There are 7 elevens, Mc Donald's, and Starbucks every few streets with an occasional subway and KFC mixed in. 

I wandered down the street and followed the signs pointing to areas of public interest including St. John's Cathedral. I believe it is Anglican. Apparently it has been there a very long time and has a very rich history with some interesting places acknowledging noteable persons. This is the inside.

The out side

Next was the zoological and botanical gardens

I know it's a bad picture, but by the pond there are a variety of fluffy headed birds

This one made me laugh. Coming from ohio to see a big fat pampered raccoon in a zoo was borderline hysterical to me.

I believe this is the Pygmy marmoset, teeny teeny tiny, and it moved so slowly. This might have been one of the most adorable things I have ever seen.

There seem to be a ton of turtles and tortoises in Hong Kong. I have seen a lot of shops mainly devoted to selling turtles, both as pets and as dinner.

Then was the peak tram up to the peak where there was a splendid 360 degree view of Hong Kong complete with audio tour. 

My attempts at selfies were a little ridiculous with the sun and the bad focusing and such, but I have proof I was there!

This was actually my favorite view. The opposite side of the building where there was no crowd, but the view showed more of the original and natural beauty of Hong Kong. There was something about that little inlet that just seemed so secret and magical to me.

Trying new Hong Kong style food. The spicey noodles with onion pork and cold "milk tea" (something I'm finding to be a big thing in Hong Kong). It was all very good. The tea is a stronger, more bitter black tea, but it has grown on me. The vegetables are they typical veggies served with food here. It's kind of like a spinach thing.

Then I walked all the very long way down the peak. It was lovely though. Unfortunately the pictures don't do it justice. My iPad can only do so much.

Since I have been asked what a "squatty potty" looks like. 

Finally wandering the city at night. Hong Kong is a lovely city at night with all of its lights. Besides, it really is rather spectacular since it is near Christmas and they decorate on a rather large scale. Seeing sky scrapers adorned in Christmas light shows and greetings is a delightful thing indeed, especially by the water. 

I wish I could have captured some of the beauty better, unfortunately the blurry pictures I have will have to do.

Another wonder of Hong Kong is the famous horse races that happen to go on every Wednesday night outside my window. Here is a picture of that, though of course not the best quality.

There you are! That was my adventure. I'll share when ever I have another, maybe next week :)

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